Tekbulb Technologies Limited is excited to introduce IPM+, a cutting-edge Intelligent Endpoint Power Management Solution. IPM+ is specifically designed to optimize power consumption and enhance energy efficiency for organizations of all sizes.

IPM+ leverages advanced technologies and intelligent algorithms to monitor, analyze, and optimize power usage across endpoints such as computers, laptops, servers, and other devices. By intelligently managing power settings and implementing energy-saving strategies, IPM+ helps organizations reduce their carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Key features of IPM+ include:

Endpoint Power Management: IPM+ automatically adjusts power settings on endpoints based on usage patterns and predefined policies. It optimizes power modes, such as sleep, hibernate, or power-off, when devices are not in use, ensuring energy conservation without disrupting productivity.
Power Analytics and Insights: IPM+ provides comprehensive analytics and insights into power consumption patterns, device utilization, and energy-saving opportunities. This data-driven approach allows organizations to identify energy-intensive devices, assess power usage trends, and make informed decisions to improve energy efficiency.
Centralized Management: IPM+ offers a centralized management console that allows IT administrators to monitor and manage power settings across the organization's endpoints from a single interface. It enables easy configuration, policy enforcement, and reporting, simplifying the power management process.
Customizable Power Profiles: IPM+ allows organizations to create customized power profiles tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Administrators can define different power settings for different departments, roles, or time periods, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to diverse operational requirements.

To get “No Obligation Demo” for your entire IT Infrastructure email us at sales@tekbulb.com. Visit www.ipmplus.com for more details about the product. 

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